The purpose of this wiki page is to explain benefits of using business processes for your continuous integration (CI) and also to list current integration solutions.
Why jBPM?
jBPM is a flexible business process management suite developed by JBoss community. Business processes can be useful to handle complex CI situations.
- business process can be drafted in a web based process designer, which is part of the jBPM suite
- business process can save your resources like job executors, because for example they can allocate database in advance before actually run the job
- integration with human task service - QA engineer can easily interact with business process instance and decide next execution of the flow, for example based on the results of finished jobs
- human task service and jbpm console can be easily integrated with your corporate infrastructure, like LDAP directory service (necessary for large QA environments)
First two projects are developed by Jiri Svitak, member of jbpm community.
Current integration projects
This project implements a jBPM work item handler, which can be used inside of business processes to remotely control Jenkins jobs using REST API. Process instances are running inside the jBPM console.
This plugin implements a Jenkins build step. Business process engine is embedded and running inside the Jenkins server. The plugin uses jBPM 5.4.0, which is based on the BPMN 2.0 standard.
This project was developed by Tom Huybrechts, but shows no activity for several years. It's based on jBPM 3, which uses its own format jPDL, so nowadays this technology is considered deprecated.