Version 1.1.0 Documentation
- This plugin is best used in conjunction with Export Report.
- To be used in conjunction with HTML Publisher.
- To make sure that older reports are NOT archived, please select Clear Workspace Reports.
Summary Display: Job Configurations
Jenkins JOB_NAME
Configure Post-build Actions Archive the artifacts
Files to archive
orreports/*, logs/*
reports/*.html, reports/*.xhtml, reports/*.xml, reports/*.json,
Excludes –
Files you don't want archived.
Notice: Only enter a value for Excludes if also using HTML Publisher and you want to exclude its' report from being archived.
Summary Display: Build Archive
Jenkins JOB_NAME
Info: All the file(s) that match the extension(s) above will be accessible in the build folder.
Info: Need to generate a report in order for it to be archived.