It may be desirable to automate and manage your Jenkins instance with Puppet.
Ubuntu + Jenkins repository
This class depends on the 'apt' Puppet module at
class jenkins { include apt apt::key { 'D50582E6': source => '', } apt::sources_list { 'jenkins': ensure => present, content => 'deb binary/', # The above gives you the LTS release. Use the below repo to get the very latest # content => 'deb binary/', require => Apt::Key['D50582E6'], } package { 'jenkins': ensure => installed, require => Apt::Sources_list['jenkins'], } service { 'jenkins': ensure => running, enable => true, require => Package['jenkins'], } }
RPM/DEB/etc over HTTPÂ
An even simpler solution is to simply install a specific version via rpm/deb over http:
class jenkins { package {"jenkins": ensure => "installed", provider => "rpm", source => "", } service {"jenkins": enable => true, ensure => "running", hasrestart=> true, require => Package["jenkins"], } }
This solution provides more consistent puppet runs as the Jenkins version won't change over time. Note that this solution depends on being up during the puppet run, so it would be recommended to host the package on your own server or an S3 bucket if that is a concern for you.