Plugin Information |
View Label Linked Jobs on the plugin site for more information. |
A plugin to facilitate maintenance when using numerous/complex labels.
Download & Installation
You can download the latest .hpi and install it from the Plugin Manager Advanced page, or install this plugin directly from the Plugin Manager Available page.
Plugin settings |
Activate Linked Jobs link |
Label's Linked Jobs page |
Labels DashboardLabels and Nodes sections |
Labels DashboardJobs sections |
Node's Linked Jobs page |
Node's Linked Jobs page |
Label's Linked Jobs page
Activate the plugin in the Configure page from a label page (/label/<your label>). A new Linked Jobs link will be shown in the left-hand menu for that label. Use it to get to the Linked Jobs page.
In the Linked Jobs page you will see all jobs linked to this particular label, either directly or via complex label expression. So let's say you're on the Linked Jobs page of the "macos" label. You will see jobs configured with "macos", those configured with "macos&&jdk7", those configured with "jdk7 -> !macos", etc.
- jobs are grouped by their full label
- first group shown is always the atomic label of the Linked Jobs page (if applicable, as no job may be using it as is)
- other groups are sorted alphabetically by the full label
- in each group, the nodes where the jobs could be running are listed. There may be none, in that case you have to review your configuration :-)
- there's a plugin option in the Jenkins Configuration System page that can be unchecked to display a condensed view of the jobs groups (jobs are just shown by name)
- if the Jenkins instance has at least one cloud defined, information about the clouds (potentially) supporting each label is shown
Node's Linked Jobs page
A new link is available for Nodes in the left side menu: "Linked Jobs". Following pieces of information are available on this new page:
- list of the labels assigned to this node
- Linked jobs section: list of all jobs that could run on this node, based on label's configuration. Jobs are grouped by their full label
- Exclusive jobs: list of all jobs that can run only on this node, based on label's configuration. Jobs are grouped by their full label. This section can be deactivated in the plugin's settings
Labels Dashboard page
This global page, accessible from a new option in Jenkins root left-side menu, is made of five sections.
- Labels
- this section lists all atomic labels used on this jenkins instance, considering labels defined by all nodes (as well as clouds if applicable) and labels used by all jobs, but not nodes' self-label (see following section)
- each sub-section is an atomic label, with information about
- how many jobs use it
- how many nodes define it
- if the Jenkins instance has at least one defined Cloud, how many clouds can provision the label
- Nodes
- this section lists all nodes and indicates for each of them how many jobs are using their self-label
- Orphaned Jobs
- This section lists all jobs that cannot run on any node, based on label configuration. For instance:
- a job configured with a label defined on no nodes
- a job configured with a labels combination defining a condition that no nodes meet
- a job defining no labels, and all nodes on the jenkins instance use the "Only build jobs with label restrictions matching this node" usage option (
- This section lists all jobs that cannot run on any node, based on label configuration. For instance:
- Single-node Jobs
- this section is optional and can be deactivated in the plugin's settings
- this section lists all jobs that can run, based on label's configuration, on only one node. This is useful to make sure that no jobs will be unable to run in case a particular node goes down
- jobs are grouped by their "exclusive" node. To know more about the label's configuration of these jobs, click on the node's link and go to its "Linked Jobs" page to check its "Exclusive Jobs" section
- Label-less jobs
- this section is optional and can be deactivated in the plugin's settings
- this section lists all jobs that have no labels defined (option "Restrict where this project can be run" is not used)
Compatibility with NodeLabel Parameter & Parameterized Trigger plugins
For more information and original discussion about this feature you can refer to JENKINS-27588.
In all pages described above, in addition to jobs that are configured directly with labels (via their Restrict where this project can be run setting), the plugin pages list jobs that are configured with labels using the NodeLabel Parameter Plugin settings and the Parameterized Trigger Plugin settings. There are two main situations:
- if a job uses the This build is parameterized setting and is configured with a Label parameter (from the NodeLabel Parameter plugin) with a Default Value, this default label is taken into account by the Label Linked Jobs Plugin. Such jobs are listed in the appropriate label section with the mention "This label is used by NN jobs as a default value for their Label parameter" ; or "Job(s) using this label as default value for a Label parameter:" (following by the list of these jobs).
- if a job, in its Trigger/call builds on other projects sub-section (in the Build section), triggers other jobs via a Predefined parameters, or All Nodes for Label Factory, or NodeLabel parameter, and makes use of labels in these sections, then the triggered jobs are taken into account in the Label Linked Jobs plugin pages. They are listed with the mention "Triggered jobs (triggering job(s)):" followed by a list of the triggered jobs, with the triggering job(s) indicated in parenthesis.
There is an important restriction to this feature: for technical and functional reasons, any label containing token or macro (with the ${TOKEN_NAME} syntax or with the $TOKEN_NAME syntax) is ignored.
Change Log
- localization
- deal with multi-configuration/matrix projects
- Jenkins-27907, UI rework
5.1.2 (released 2016-11-19)
- Jenkins-38342, show all available labels provided by clouds in Labels Dashboard
5.0.1 (released 2016-05-08)
- Jenkins-32445, make plugin compatible with Jenkins Clouds' definition
4.0.3 (released 2015-12-26)
- fix for Jenkins-32049, Labels Dashboard is not showing any Labels and any Nodes
4.0.2 (released 2015-04-28)
- following the 4.0.1 release, ignore the $TOKEN_NAME syntax in labels in NodeLabel Parameter plugin settings and Parameterized Trigger plugin settings, in addition to the ${TOKEN_NAME} syntax
4.0.1 (released 2015-04-23)
- Jenkins-27588, make plugin compatible with NodeLabel Parameter Plugin and Parameterized Trigger Plugin, to show "triggered jobs", based on their label configuration, on the various pages of Label Linked Jobs Plugin
3.0.3 (released 2014-10-20)
- Jenkins-25163, add "Jobs with no labels" section in Labels Dashboard
- Jenkins-25188, orphaned jobs do not show jobs without label when all nodes set to Label restrictions
2.0.4 (released 2014-09-24)
- Jenkins-20035, new "Linked Jobs" page per node (including master) to list all jobs linked, per label configuration, to this specific node. Can also list jobs that can run exclusively on the given node because of label configuration
- Jenkins-24615, new "Labels Dashboard" to have a global view of all labels defined and used in jobs & nodes, list orphaned jobs, list single-node jobs
- Jenkins-24641, see what could be reused (ideas and/or code) from Daniel's similar plugin
- requires Jenkins 1.554 (subsequent LTS) to use new icon
1.0.1 (release 2014-09-04)
- initial release to address Jenkins-23333
- thanks to Daniel Beck for his feedback and support :-)
- requires Jenkins 1.532