This Ruby program lights lava lamps based on the status of a Hudson RSS feed- if the most recent of any builds fails, the red lamp will light; if the most recent of each builds succeeds, the program will light the green lamp.
This solution is based on the Pragmatic Programmer's Lava Lamp solution for Cruise Control:
You will need:
- Firecracker home automation starter kit:
- 2 differently colored Lava Lamps
- X10 control program bottlerocket
- The Ruby language
- rubygems installed
- the atom gem (to read the RSS feed)
Once you can run the program, it's no trouble to automate this through cron or Hudson.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'rubygems' require 'atom' # Light lava lamps based on Hudson build status RSS feed # Green lamp lights if all builds are good; # Red lamp lights if any build fails. # # Requires atom gem and bottlerocket X10 control software to be installed. # class HudsonLava def initialize @BOTTLE_ROCKET_COMMAND="/usr/local/bin/br" @GREEN_LAMP='1' # codes set on X10 lamp moduels @RED_LAMP='2' end def usage puts "hudsonLava [hudsonRssFeedUrl]" puts " Light lava lamps based on Hudson build status RSS feed." puts " hudsonRssFeedUrl: URL of RSS feed for builds you want to monitor; must contain SUCCESS and FAILURE messages." end def parse_args if ARGV.size == 1 then @FEED_URL = ARGV[0] else usage exit end end def get_rss_feed(feedUrl) feedXml = Net::HTTP::get(URI::parse(feedUrl)) end def parse_rss_feed(rssFeed) buildList = [] rssFeed.entries.each { |entry| buildLine = "#{entry.title} #{entry.published.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}" buildName, buildNumber, buildStatus, buildDate = buildLine.split buildNumber = buildNumber[1..-1] buildStatus = buildStatus[1..-2] buildList += [[buildName, buildNumber, buildStatus, buildDate]] } buildDataHash = {} buildList.each { |buildData| buildName, buildNumber, buildStatus, buildDate = buildData if buildDataHash.member?(buildName) buildDataHash[buildName].addInfo(["#{buildNumber} #{buildStatus} #{buildDate}"]) else buildDataHash[buildName] = buildDataHash[buildName].setName("#{buildName}") buildDataHash[buildName].setInfo(["#{buildNumber} #{buildStatus} #{buildDate}"]) end } buildDataHash end def get_success_indicator(buildDataHash) success = true buildDataHash.each { |buildName, buildData| if buildData.getInfo().first =~ /FAILED/ puts "#{buildName} failed." success = false end } success end def lava_lamp(onOff, lampName) system "#{@BOTTLE_ROCKET_COMMAND} --#{onOff}=#{lampName}" end def light_green_lamp lava_lamp("on", @GREEN_LAMP) lava_lamp("off", @RED_LAMP) end def light_red_lamp lava_lamp("on", @RED_LAMP) lava_lamp("off", @GREEN_LAMP) end def light_lava_lamp(status) if status == true puts "No failed builds- lamp is green." light_green_lamp else puts "At least one build failed- lamp is red." light_red_lamp end end def main parse_args rssFeed = get_rss_feed(@FEED_URL) buildDataHash = parse_rss_feed(rssFeed) status = get_success_indicator(buildDataHash) light_lava_lamp(status) end end class BuildData def initialize @buildName = "" @buildInfo = [] end def setName(name) @name = name end def setInfo(info) @info = info end def addInfo(info) @info += info end def getInfo() return @info end def getName() return @name end end if $0 == __FILE__ end