Plugin Information |
View GitBucket on the plugin site for more information. |
This plugin integrates GitBucket to your Jenkins.
GitBucket is the easily installable Github clone written with Scala. It provides a basic features below:
- Public / Private Git repository (http access only)
- Repository viewer (some advanced features such as online file editing are not implemented)
- Repository search (Code and Issues)
- Wiki
- Issues
- Fork / Pull request
- Mail notification
- Activity timeline
- User management (for Administrators)
- Group (like Organization in Github)
- LDAP integration
- Gravatar support
- Executable war file
and more
See also blog.
- The keywords in changelogs are hyperlinked to the corresponding Issue pages, Pull Requests pages and Wiki pages.
- The changeset and diff in changelogs are hyperlinked to GitBucket repository viewer.
- Trigger a build when a change is pushed to GitBucket using a WebHook.
GitBucket does not fire webHook when merging via GUI, so this plugin does not tgigger a build.
- GitBucket 1.6 or later.
- Git Plugin 1.5.0 or later.
Hyperlinks to GitBucket issue, pull request and wiki pages.
- Supports the following notation.
refs #123 , refs 123, issue #123, issue 123, fix/es/ed #123, close/s/d #456, resolve/s/d #789
pull request
pull #1, pull 1
wiki word
Repository viewer
Trigger a build
- Configure GitBucket to use http://\[\]/jenkins/ gitbucket-webhook / as a WebHook.
- Check "Build when a change is pushed to GitBucket" as a Build Triggers.
- and configure "Source Code Management" to use git.
Build Trigger Badge Plugin support
Version 0.8 (Sep 10, 2015)
- updated to Jenkins 1.609
- added several issue notation. see How to Close Reference issues & pull request
- only push event is accepted.
Version 0.7 (Mar 31, 2015) GitBucket 3.1 is available.
- use repository.clone_url instead of repository.url (pull request 11)
- make Build Trigger Badge Plugn optional (pull request 12)
- refactoring.
Version 0.6 (Mar 21, 2015)
- Build Trigger Badge Plugn support.
Version 0.5.1 (Apr 28, 2014)
- Supported Git Plugin 2.2.1 or later.
Version 0.4 (Nov 30, 2013)
- Support Crumbs exclusion.
- Show who pushed this build.
- Add "Pass through Git commit".
- Honor QuietPeriod when scheduling a job.
Version 0.3 (Oct 22, 2013)
- Updating to Jenkins 1.536 caused NPE.
Version 0.2 (Oct 3, 2013)
- Fixed wrong GitBucket link (JENKINS-19865)
Version 0.1 (Sep 30, 2013)
- First release.
Questions, Comments, Bugs and Feature Requests
To report a bug or request an enhancement to this plugin please create a ticket in JIRA.
GitBucket_WebHook.png (image/png)
jenkins_buildtrigger.png (image/png)
jenkins_hyperlinks.png (image/png)
jenkins_browser.png (image/png)
jenkins_buildtrigger.png (image/png)
buildtriggerbadge.png (image/png)
jenkins_buildtrigger.png (image/png)
jenkins_hyperlinks.png (image/png)
jenkins_browser.png (image/png)
jenkins_buildtrigger.png (image/png)
buildtriggerbadge.png (image/png)