FOSDEM 2018 Planning
Jenkins will be at FOSDEM 2018, in Brussels, on February 3 & 4, 2018.
- Friday, February 2 from 9am - 5pm: Jenkins Office Hours
- meetup page
- location: BeCentral sprl/bvba
Cantersteen 12
1000 Brussels
+32 488 45 42 62
- Friday, February 2 evening : pre-FOSDEM happy hour (Cafe Le Roy d'Espagne)
- Saturday & Sunday, February 3 & 4: staffing the Jenkins stand/table
- Stand location K (level 2):
- meetup page
- Saturday, February 3: contributors dinner
- Monday, February 5: all day contributor summit and or hackathon
- location: BeCentral sprl/bvba
Cantersteen 12
1000 Brussels
+32 488 45 42 62
Who's attending:
- @Unknown User (kohsuke) (attendance, organizing)
- @R. Tyler Croy (attendance, organizing)
Unknown User (atong) (attendance, organizing)
- Unknown User (markewaite) (attendance, organizing)
- Unknown User (danielbeck)
- Unknown User (batmat)
- Unknown User (jglick)
- Olivier Vernin (attendance, organizing)
Jenkins merchandise
- Jenkins hats (60)
- Jenkins t-shirts (60)
Demos at the booth
- No demos scheduled so far, please feel free to add items and desired hardware to the list
Planning Notes
- Hardware:
- 32" desktop monitor (1- Olivier will bring)
- laptop to run demos (1 - Olivier will bring)
- Collateral: JAM/Pipeline postcards (200), Jenkins World 2018 post cards (200)
- Swags
- stickers (4,000 pieces)
- t-shirts always in high demand (60, as many as we can sell)
- Jenkins caps (60)
- buttons (small round badges) with Jenkins headshot / weather symbols / blue ball button + happy jenkins, red button + angry jenkins
- Language-spoken type buttons for people manning the stand as well as give away (e.g. Chris would have a Scottish flag, Bobby a Swedish, English flag and German flag buttons. We are using what is left over from last year's event. If there isn't a flag button for your specific country pls don't be discouraged)
Projects will be tracked in .