Plugin Information |
View Clover PHP on the plugin site for more information. |
You have to use "--coverage-clover" option to generate clover style coverage report.
The following setting is for Phing.
<exec dir="." command="phpunit --log-junit 'reports/unitreport.xml' --coverage-html 'reports/coverage' --coverage-clover 'reports/coverage/coverage.xml' test/" />
Or use phpunit task with clover style formatter.
build.xml with phpunit task
<phpunit codecoverage="true" haltonfailure="true" haltonerror="true"> <formatter type="clover" usefile="false"/> <batchtest> <fileset dir="tests"> <include name="**/*Test*.php"/> </fileset> </batchtest> </phpunit>
Project configuration
- the location of clover xml(required).
- the location of clover html report (optional).
Project screen
- Make compatible with pipelines
0.5 (20 Nov, 2015)
include namespaced classes (JENKINS-26722)
- pay attention to target coverage (JENKINS-20233)
- specifically publish the plugin under MIT license (JENKINS-30215)
0.4 (6 Apr, 2015)
- support variables for configuration.
- option to generate clover report regardless of build (JENKINS-21046).
- The CloverPHP red/green coverage bar is too wide (JENKINS-25717).
0.3.3 (21 Mar, 2013)
- added message if clover xml is incompatible with clover style (JENKINS-17037).
- Conflict with standard clover plugin (JENKINS-15626).
0.3.2 (21 Oct, 2011)
- NPE when Clover HTML report directory is not defined (JENKINS-11408).
- Fixed breadcrumb.
- Fixed IE6 rendering.
0.3.1 (27 July, 2011)
- roll back the dependency to Jenkins 1.409 for 1.409.x LTS releases.(Comment).
- Report page rendering performance boost (pull request).
0.3 (3 Jun, 2011)
- Support FreeStyle and Matrix projects only.
- NPE in Clover PHP Plugin when XML config is empty (JENKINS-9821).
- save clover.xml and html report in builds/XX/cloverphp directory.
0.2 (28 May, 2011)
- Fixed a path when built on slave.
- Added breadcrumb.
- Added test classes.
- fixed configuration page.
0.1 (16 May, 2011)
- First release