Test results

  • OK - test passed without any problem
  • WARN - there was some problem, functionality doesn't do what is expected, but it doesn't cause failure of whole Jenkins or any other significant problems
  • FAIL - cause failure of whole Jenkins or similar critical issue which affects all jobs (e.g. when plugin is installed, it's not possible to start Jenkins or save configuration of any job)

Acceptance tests

Most of the test has been automated as acceptance tests. Instead of retesting manually, feel free to run the suite and report the results here.


LTS RC / result

Tested by




Core functionality 

Freestyle jobs 

Test name

Short description

Expected result


LTS RC / result

Tested by

Batch build step

Add a Windows batch file build step

Batch build steps are executed successfully





Test name

Short description

Expected result


LTS RC / result

Tested by

Update JIRA issue

Update JIRA issue which is related to changes contained in the build

JIRA is updated and on build page is a link to appropriate JIRA

 automated - run manually




Test name

Short description

Expected result


LTS RC / result

Tested by

Deploy on Tomcat 7

Build war app and deploy it on Tomcat 7

App is successfully deployed and running

automated - run manually




Test name

Short description

Expected result


LTS RC / result

Tested by

Build with xvnc

Tests should correctly use xvnc

Tests are passing

automated - run manually









Scp publisher

Test name

Short description

Expected result


LTS RC / result

Tested by

Publish artifact over scp

Setup remote destination and artifact to be archived over scp

Artifact is archived on remote machine in speficied dir

automated - run manually










Test name

Short description

Expected result


LTS RC / result

Tested by

LDAP test

LdapPluginTest in test-harness

All tests succeed

automated - run manually









Publish Over FTP

Test name

Short description

Expected result


LTS RC / result

Tested by

Ftp test

Ftp testin test-harness

All tests succeed

automated - run manually










Test name

Short description

Expected result


LTS RC / result

Tested by

Subversion test

SubversionPluginTest && Subversion_Version154_PluginTest in test-harness

All tests succeed

automated - run manually



Exploratory Tests

Test name

Short description

Expected result


LTS RC / result

Tested by

Git plugin

Explore multiple configurations of the Git plugin, including JGit and CliGit implementations, using ssh, https, and git protocol repositories.
Run tests with multiple platforms (Windows, Linux) and multiple git versions (1.7.1, 1.8,1.9, etc.), multiple git configurations (CLI, JGit), multiple providers (GitHub, BitBucket, Assembla, Gitlab, local git repository), and multiple permissions (private repositories, public repositories).

Reasonable behavior, no detected Jenkins related regressions.