Jenkins : Extend Jenkins

Content Migration to

New developer documentation is written for the Jenkins site at

Documentation that has not yet been migrated from the wiki is referenced there, so you can reach all content from the new location.

General Contribution

Want to help but don't know what to do? You can help to extend and enrich the Jenkins community even if you don't necessarily write code. Here is the Beginners Guide to Contributing. The latest snapshots of Jenkins and its plugins can be found at the official Jenkins CI server.

Developing Plugins

Jenkins supports plugins, which allow Jenkins to be extended to meet specific needs of individual projects. Read on to learn how to write a plugin, especially make sure to read how to set up your environment.

Additional references

Developing Plugins in Ruby

Developing Plugins in Python

Developing Jenkins

If you are interested in hacking Jenkins itself, read on to learn how to do so.

Jenkins Development Community Help

Developing Integrations with Jenkins

If you are developing other tools that interface with Jenkins, here are the relevant information.

Need help?