Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) is a type of security vulnerability in web applications. Without protection from CSRF, a Jenkins user or ...
Managing Security. Table of Contents. Enabling Security. TCP Port; Access Control; Markup Formatter. CSRF Protection; Agent/Master Access ...
Securing Jenkins has two aspects to it. Access control, which ensures users are authenticated when accessing Jenkins and their activities are authorized.
Missing: /url | Show results with:/url
default-src 'none' prohibits loading scripts, URLs for AJAX/XHR/WebSockets/EventSources, fonts, plugin objects, media, and frames from anywhere (images and ...
If the resource root URL is defined, Jenkins will instead redirect requests for user-created resource files to URLs starting with the URL configured here. These ...
Jenkins access control is split into two parts: Authentication (users prove who they are) is done using a security realm. The security realm determines user ...
CrumbExclusion is an extension point that allows excluding certain URLs from CSRF protection. Wherever possible, do not use it to allow bypassing CSRF ...
Document Jenkins on Kubernetes. Security. Overview ... Access Control · Securing Jenkins · Managing Security · Controller Isolation · Securing Builds · CSRF ...
Missing: /url | Show results with:/url
Jenkins can expose a TCP port that allows inbound agents to connect to it. It can be enabled, disabled, and configured in Manage Jenkins » Security. The two ...
While the vast majority of URLs in Jenkins are by default protected by an Overall/Read permission check, a lack of individual permission checks in endpoints for ...