Jenkins Pipeline uses a library called Groovy CPS to run Pipeline scripts. While Pipeline uses the Groovy parser and compiler, unlike a regular Groovy ...
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A continuous delivery (CD) pipeline is an automated expression of your process for getting software from version control right through to your users and ...
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A property reference statement is treated as a no-argument method invocation. So, for example, input is treated as input() . You can use the Declarative ...
This guide provides a small selection of best practices for pipelines and points out the most common mistakes. The goal is to point pipeline authors and ...
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User Handbook · User Handbook Overview · Installing Jenkins · Platform Information · Using Jenkins · Pipeline · Blue Ocean · Managing Jenkins · Securing Jenkins ...
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As mentioned previously, Jenkins Pipeline is a suite of plugins that supports implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins.
Jenkins Pipeline exposes environment variables via the global variable env , which is available from anywhere within a Jenkinsfile . The full list of ...
The vars directory hosts script files that are exposed as a variable in Pipelines. The name of the file is the name of the variable in the Pipeline. So if you ...
Jenkins Pipeline includes built-in documentation and the Snippet Generator which are key resources when developing Pipelines. They provide detailed help and ...
In a Multibranch Pipeline project, Jenkins automatically discovers, manages and executes Pipelines for branches which contain a Jenkinsfile in source control.