Executes TPT tests and generates a report for Jenkins.
Missing: /url | Show results with:/url
dependency-check-jenkins-plugin/, 2024-04-30 18:10 ... piketec-tpt/, 2024-04-30 18:10, -. [DIR], pipeline ... url-auth-sso/, 2024-04-30 18:10, -. [DIR], url-auth/ ...
Pipeline Steps Reference. The following plugins offer Pipeline-compatible steps. Each plugin link offers more information about the parameters for each step ...
Plugins may want to contribute additional restrictions on the use of specific labels for specific projects. This extension point allows such restrictions.
A Page with a table of all executed TPT files and their configuration on top and a table with all failed test cases. Author: FInfantino, PikeTec GmbH ...
container-image-link. Javadoc · Plugin ... piketec-tpt9.3. piketec-tpt. Javadoc · Plugin ... trunk-io. Javadoc · Plugin Information · Tuleap API2.5.2. tuleap-api.
Package com.piketec.jenkins.plugins.tpt.publisher ... io.IOException ... It maps the URL the user sees to the file path where the corresponding html document lies.
This class is for hosting the HTML Report in an action. After requesting the url in the TPTReportPage it redirects to this class and here will be the HTML ...
App.io Plugin · Appaloosa Plugin · App Center Plugin ... Archived Artifact Url Viewer PlugIn · archive-files-scm ... PikeTec TPT Plugin · Pipeline Aggregator View.