The plugins site https://plugins.jenkins.io includes a “Report an Issue” link for each of the plugins. The linked page guides the user to provide a better ...
dependency-check-jenkins-plugin/, 2024-04-30 18:10 ... elastic-axis/, 2024-04-30 18:10, -. [DIR], elasticbox ... url-auth-sso/, 2024-04-30 18:10, -. [DIR], url-auth ...
Jun 29, 2022 · When update to 2.346.1. I found that the text color of command in execute shell step have been changed from “white” to “black”, ...
No Javadoc has been published for this plugin. Plugin Information. Amazon Web Services SDK :: Elastic Beanstalk1.12.696-451.v0651a_da_9ca_ec. aws-java-sdk- ...
Aug 31, 2023 · I'm hoping someone can offer some clues as I'm unable to find how to fix this so that we can see our values that we set which are filenames and ...
Jan 10, 2024 · Multi-configuration (matrix) project type.
Elastic Axis. Used by 0.33% of instances. Released: 11 months ago. Agent Management · Build Wrappers. Adds an axis for matrix jobs that accepts the name of a ...
This plugin integrates Gitee to Jenkins by faking a Gitee CI Server. ... Elastic Axis. Used by 0.33% of instances. Released ... https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins ...
Plugins may want to contribute additional restrictions on the use of specific labels for specific projects. This extension point allows such restrictions.
This plugin provides a deep integration between Jenkins and Maven. It adds support for automatic triggers between projects depending on SNAPSHOTs as well as ...