Provides a highly visible view of the status of selected Jenkins jobs. It easily accommodates different computer screen sizes and is ideal as an Extreme ...
Feb 27, 2024 · Build Monitor Plugin provides a highly visible view of the status of selected Jenkins jobs. It easily accommodates different computer screen ...
Monitoring plugin: Monitoring of the performance of Jenkins itself with JavaMelody. Open the report (or http://yourhost/monitoring) after installation. Author : ...
Oct 9, 2023 · Going to Dashboard → Manage Jenkins → Plugins → Update Site. I find the URL configured correctly in https (https://updates.jenkins.io/update- ...
Monitor Pro Plugin, is a plugin to monitoring the status of the Jobs of a selected view, built as an Angular SPA. It provides to Jenkins interface of a ...
Apr 9, 2024 · This plugin analyzes the causes of failed builds and presents the causes on the build page. It does this by using a knowledge base of build ...
Dec 27, 2023 · We are running an older version of Jenkins, while installing the plugins we are facing the below issues . Jenkins Jobs are missing post ...
Apr 30, 2019 · After installing the plugin, go to job configuration page, select 'Add post-build action', and select 'Monitor Site'.
Watches pipeline jobs and provides job and stage stats such as time and pass/fail. Can be configured to update GitHub commit status (one status per stage) ...
Sep 8, 2023 · Create a new job and choose "Monitor an external job" as the job type. Monitoring an execution. For Debian / Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install ...