Jenkins's interface with source code management systems. hudson.search. QuickSilver-like search/jump capability for better navigation around Jenkins. hudson.
Saves an existing Node on disk, called by Node.save() . Methods inherited from class hudson.model.AbstractCIBase · getDisabledAdministrativeMonitors, ...
Fields inherited from class jenkins.model.Jenkins ... Fields inherited from class hudson.model. ... as of 1.324 Either use client-side validation (e.g. class ...
Receives events that happen during a build. DependecyDeclarer, Deprecated. Use DependencyDeclarer instead. Describable<T extends Describable<T>>. Classes that ...
A Descriptor / Describable combination is used throughout in Jenkins to implement a configuration/extensibility mechanism. Take the list view support as an ...
Three classes are used to model build parameters. First is the ParameterDefinition.ParameterDescriptor , which tells Hudson what kind of implementations are ...
Gets the corresponding Computer object. Methods inherited from class hudson.model. ... URL like "foo" or "foo/bar". ... When the user clones a Node , Hudson uses ...
Code for supporting declarative CLI commands, which are annotated methods on model objects. hudson.model. Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, ...
Gate-keeper that controls access to Hudson's model objects. ... Checks if the given value is an URL to some Hudson's top page. ... Participates in the rendering of ...
HTTP proxy configuration. Use open(URL) to open a connection with the proxy setting. Proxy authentication (including NTLM) is implemented by setting a ...