Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . hudson.model.labels. Boolean expression over labels. hudson.node_monitors.
Saves an existing Node on disk, called by Node.save() . Methods inherited from class hudson.model.AbstractCIBase · getDisabledAdministrativeMonitors, ...
Class Hudson. java.lang.Object · hudson.model.AbstractModelObject ... Fields inherited from class jenkins.model.Jenkins ... Fields inherited from class hudson.model ...
Method Summary ; This binds Search object to the URL hierarchy. · Returns the SearchIndex to further search sub items inside this item. · Default implementation ...
A job is an runnable entity under the monitoring of Hudson. Every time it "runs", it will be recorded as a Run object. To create a custom job type, ...
Used to implement getBuildStatusSummary() . static class, Run.Summary. Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface hudson.ExtensionPoint.
Let Nodes be aware of the lifecycle of their own Computer . static class, Node.Mode. Constants that control how Hudson allocates jobs to agents.
Package hudson.model. Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins .
Checks if the given value is an URL to some Hudson's top page. ... Model object used to display "Jenkins is loading data". ... java.util.List<hudson.model.Action>).
Automatically try to launch an agent when Jenkins is initialized or a new agent computer is created. static String · CHANGELOG_URL · Hudson.CloudList ...