A value class to provide a consistent snapshot view of the state of an executor to avoid race conditions during rendering of the executors list.
Package hudson.model ; Serves as the top of Computer s in the URL hierarchy. · Maintains the build dependencies between AbstractProject s for efficient dependency ...
Returns the map that contains environmental variables to be used for launching processes for this build. void, Computer.DisplayExecutor.InternalComputerListener ...
Represents the running state of a remote computer that holds Executor s. Computer.DisplayExecutor. A value class to provide a consistent snapshot view of the ...
Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . hudson.model.queue. hudson.node_monitors. Code that monitors the health of agents.
Class Computer.DisplayExecutor. java.lang.Object. hudson.model.Computer.DisplayExecutor. All Implemented Interfaces: ModelObject. Enclosing class: Computer ...
A simple root action that exposes the public key to users so that they do not need to search for the X-Instance-Identity response header, also exposes the ...
Pluggable ability to manage transfer and/or storage of build artifacts. The descriptor should specify at least a display name, and optionally a {@code ...
Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . ... Computer.DisplayExecutor.InternalComputerListener ... Methods in hudson.model that ...
Represents a cause that puts a computer offline. OfflineCause() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.OfflineCause · OfflineCause_connection_was_broken_(Object) ...