Used to convert plain text console output (as byte sequence) + embedded annotations into HTML (as char sequence), by using ConsoleAnnotator .
Entry point to the ConsoleAnnotator extension point. This class creates a new instance of ConsoleAnnotator that starts a new console annotation session.
Entry point to the ConsoleAnnotator extension point. ConsoleLogFilter. A hook to allow filtering of information that is written to the console log. ConsoleNote.
Used to convert plain text console output (as byte sequence) + embedded annotations into HTML (as char sequence), by using ConsoleAnnotator . ConsoleAnnotator<T>.
Called when a console output page is requested to create a stateful ConsoleAnnotator . This method can be invoked concurrently by multiple threads. Specified by ...
A simple root action that exposes the public key to users so that they do not need to search for the X-Instance-Identity response header, also exposes the ...
Key consoleUrlProviderDisplayName : Console URL Provider . ... _for(T) - Static method in class hudson.console. ... <a href="https://www.jenkins.io/redirect/built- ...
Pluggable ability to manage transfer and/or storage of build artifacts. The descriptor should specify at least a display name, and optionally a {@code ...
Class HyperlinkNote. java.lang.Object · hudson.console.ConsoleNote ... Turns a text into a hyperlink by specifying the URL separately. ... Methods inherited from ...
Default the built-in Jenkins Update Center URL to https://updates.jenkins.io instead of obsolete HTTP endpoint. This requires a JRE compatible with Let's ...