A continuous delivery (CD) pipeline is an automated expression of your process for getting software from version control right through to your users and ...
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This section builds on the information introduced in Getting started with Pipeline and should be treated solely as a reference. For more information on how ...
Document Jenkins on Kubernetes ... project and a Pipeline has been defined in Jenkins following these instructions. ... Full URL of Jenkins, such as https://example ...
Jenkins Pipeline includes built-in documentation and the Snippet Generator which are key resources when developing Pipelines. They provide detailed help and ...
Navigate to the Pipeline Syntax link (referenced above) from a configured Pipeline, and then click on the Declarative Directive Generator link in the sidepanel, ...
As Pipeline is adopted for more and more projects in an organization, common patterns are likely to emerge. Oftentimes it is useful to share parts of ...
Once your Pipeline has completed, whether it succeeds or fails, you can go to the side panel for the run in the classic UI and click on "Restart from Stage".
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Install the Docker Pipeline plugin through the Manage Jenkins > Plugins page · After installing the plugin, restart Jenkins so that the plugin is ready to use.
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The procedures in this chapter are for new installations of Jenkins. Jenkins is typically run as a standalone application in its own process. The Jenkins WAR ...
Many organizations use Docker to unify their build and test environments across machines, and to provide an efficient mechanism for deploying applications.