May 16, 2018 · One common pattern for automated releases I have seen and used relies on Git tags as the catalyst for a release process.
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Jun 28, 2022 · In this blog post, we will discuss the Jenkins project's migration to Java 11 and Java 17, reflecting on it in the context of previous Java ...
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Many organizations use Docker to unify their build and test environments across machines, and to provide an efficient mechanism for deploying applications.
With the introduction of the Pipeline plugin, users now can implement a project's entire build/test/deploy pipeline in a Jenkinsfile and store that alongside ...
Execute all the steps defined in this Pipeline within a newly created container of the given name and tag ( maven:3.9.3-eclipse-temurin-17 ). Example 2. Stage- ...
Docker is a platform for running applications in an isolated environment called a "container" (or Docker container). Applications like Jenkins can be ...
Pipeline Steps Reference. The following plugins offer Pipeline-compatible steps. Each plugin link offers more information about the parameters for each step ...
For example, for Subversion, you can set the Repository URL to svnserver/project/${library.yourLibName.version} and then use versions such as trunk or branches/ ...
Jenkins – an open source automation server which enables developers around the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software.
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Introducing the Azure Key Vault Credentials Provider for Jenkins. Azure Key Vault is a product for securely managing keys, secrets and certificates.
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