Amazon Web Services SDK :: Api Gateway1.12.730-457.v3403b_37d2170. aws-java-sdk-api-gateway. No Javadoc has been published for this plugin. Plugin Information ...
Jenkins core · Jenkins plugins · Jenkins components.
Missing: /url | Show results with:/url
A plugin is bound to URL space of Hudson as ${rootURL}/plugin/foo/ , where "foo" is taken from your plugin name "foo.jpi". All your web resources in src/main/ ...
This allows URL hudson/plugin/ID to be served by the views of the plugin class. Parameters: shortName - Short name of the plugin; Returns: The plugin singleton ...
Allows Whitelisted access to selected attributes of a Run without requiring Jenkins API imports. See the help for currentBuild in snippet-generator's ...
Creates a client configured with reasonable defaults from system properties. This constructor should be run in the Jenkins controller.
Get all the credentials. static SystemCredentialsProvider, getInstance(). Gets the singleton instance. void, save().
Missing: /url | Show results with:/url
A ToolInstaller that downloads a zip or tar.gz and unpacks it in order to install a tool. If the tool is already present, it will only be ...
This plugin adds Javadoc support to Jenkins.
Missing: /url | Show results with:/url
Represents a periodically updated JSON data file obtained from a remote URL. DownloadService.DownloadableListener. This installs itself as a listener to changes ...