Configure the resource root URL, an alternative root URL to serve resources from to not need Content-Security-Policy headers, which mess with desired complex ...
Prohibit requests to Jenkins coming through a resource domain URL configured with ResourceDomainConfiguration , except anything going to ...
Gets the root directory of this node. String, getRootUrl(). Gets the absolute URL of Jenkins, such as http://localhost/jenkins ...
Jenkins builds pull requests sent by untrusted users, or employ a security model that limits trust in users allowed to configure one or more jobs, this also ...
No Javadoc has been published for this plugin. Plugin Information · EDAS1.0.0. alibabacloud-edas. Javadoc · Plugin Information. Alibabacloud Package Deployment ...
Method Summary ; Short for getRelativeNameFrom(item.getParent()) · Gets the relative name to this item from the specified group. · Returns the URL of this item ...
The method tries to take HTML tags within the ... Used to URL-bind AnnotatedLargeText . Returns: A Run log with annotations ... org.springframework.security ...
Used when someone is configuring a script. Typically you would call this from a DataBoundConstructor . It should also be called from a readResolve method (which ...
This is a simple demonstration of how to archive the build output artifacts in workspace for later use. // This shows a simple example of how to archive the ...
as of 1.317 Use Jenkins. ... Used only for mapping jobs to URL in a case-insensitive fashion. ... Use AccessControlled.checkPermission(hudson.security.Permission).