Package hudson.model ; Serves as the top of Computer s in the URL hierarchy. · Maintains the build dependencies between AbstractProject s for efficient dependency ...
GlobalAction. java.lang.Object. hudson.model.MyViewsProperty.GlobalAction ... Gets the URL path name. Methods inherited from ... If the icon name is prefixed with " ...
Package hudson.model. Class Messages. java.lang ... Lower than read permissions, it allows you to redirect anonymous users to the login page when they try to ...
Captures the configuration information in it. SCM() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.SCM · SCM_Permissions_Title() - Static method in class hudson.scm.
Gate-keeper that controls access to Hudson's model objects. ... Checks if the given value is an URL to some Hudson's top page. ... Participates in the rendering of ...
Computes the message authentication code and return it as a string. Mac - hudson.util.LineEndingConversion.EOLType · Mailer_Address_Not_Configured() - Static ...
Key AbstractBuild.KeptBecause : This build is kept because of {0}. . _AbstractItem_BeingDeleted(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages.
A model object has a human readable name. And it normally has URL, but this interface doesn't define one. (Since there're so many classes that define the ...
Pluggable ability to manage transfer and/or storage of build artifacts. The descriptor should specify at least a display name, and optionally a {@code ...