Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class jenkins.model.Jenkins · Jenkins.DescriptorImpl, Jenkins.EnforceSlaveAgentPortAdministrativeMonitor, Jenkins.
Package hudson.model ; Serves as the top of Computer s in the URL hierarchy. · Maintains the build dependencies between AbstractProject s for efficient dependency ...
This allows URL hudson/plugin/ID to be served by the views of the plugin class. Parameters: shortName - Short name of the plugin; Returns: The plugin singleton ...
Returns the URL of this Run , relative to the context root of Hudson. Returns: String like "job/foo/32/" with trailing slash but no leading slash.
A job is an runnable entity under the monitoring of Hudson. Every time it "runs", it will be recorded as a Run object. To create a custom job type, ...
Basic configuration unit in Hudson. Every Item is hosted in an ItemGroup called "parent", and some Item s are ItemGroup s. This form a tree structure, ...
Package hudson.model. Class ParameterDefinition ... This method is invoked when the user fills in the parameter values in the HTML form and submits it to the ...
Records the parameter values used for a build. This object is associated with the build record so that we remember what parameters were used for what build.
A plugin is bound to URL space of Hudson as ${rootURL}/plugin/foo/ , where "foo" is taken from your plugin name "foo.jpi". All your web resources in src/main/ ...
Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . hudson.model.listeners. Listener interfaces for various events that occur inside the ...