Represents a periodically updated JSON data file obtained from a remote URL. This mechanism is one of the basis of the update center, which involves ...
Represents a periodically updated JSON data file obtained from a remote URL. static class, DownloadService.DownloadableListener. This installs itself as a ...
Represents a periodically updated JSON data file obtained from a remote URL. DownloadService.DownloadableListener. This installs itself as a listener to changes ...
Gate-keeper that controls access to Hudson's model objects. ... DownloadService.Downloadable ... Checks if the given value is an URL to some Hudson's top page.
Handles the form submission from the "/computer/new" page, which is the first form for creating a new node. has(String) - Method in class hudson.security ...
DownloadService.Downloadable. hudson.model.DownloadService.Downloadable. Represents a periodically updated JSON data file obtained from a remote URL.
DownloadService.Downloadable. Generates an ID ... Infers the hudson installation URL from the given request. ... init(Jenkins) - Static method in class hudson.model ...
Default the built-in Jenkins Update Center URL to https://updates.jenkins.io instead of obsolete HTTP endpoint. This requires a JRE compatible with Let's ...
Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . hudson.slaves. Code related to agents. hudson.triggers. Built- ...
Description. hudson.model. Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . ... hudson.model ... DownloadService.Downloadable s that are ...