Remoting infrastructure for Hudson. Code in this package is used for running a part of a program in agents. If you are new to this package, ...
Represents a communication channel to the remote peer. A Channel is a mechanism for two JVMs to communicate over bi-directional InputStream / OutputStream ...
Represents a periodically updated JSON data file obtained from a remote URL. ... Adds the "Manage Jenkins" link ... Participates in the rendering of HTML pages for ...
A CommandTransport that uses ByteBuffer rather than byte . AbstractByteBufferCommandTransport() - Constructor for class hudson.remoting.
Gets the plugin object from its short name. This allows URL hudson/plugin/ID to be served by the views of the plugin class. Parameters: ...
Executes some program on the machine that this FilePath exists, so that one can perform local file operations. <V,​E extends Throwable> V, act​(hudson.remoting.
A job is an runnable entity under the monitoring of Hudson. Every time it "runs", it will be recorded as a Run object. To create a custom job type, ...
Marker interface that designates extensible components in Jenkins that can be implemented by plugins. ... RemoteProcess. Remoting ... URL which is provided by ...
Constructor Summary · Method Summary · Methods inherited from class org.jenkinsci.remoting.engine.JnlpEndpointResolver · Methods inherited from class java.lang.
Represents the running state of a remote computer that holds Executor s. Computer.DisplayExecutor. A value class to provide a consistent snapshot view of the ...