Entry. java.lang.Object. hudson.model.UpdateSite.Entry ... Download URL. String, version. The version ... The base64 encoded SHA-256 checksum of the file. String ...
Returns a list of plugins that should be shown in the "available" tab. · Gets a URL for the Internet connection check. · Loads the update center data, if any.
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. valueOf(String) - Static method in enum hudson.FilePath.TarCompression. Returns the enum ...
InstallationJob(UpdateSite.Plugin, UpdateSite, Authentication) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.InstallationJob. Deprecated. as of 1.442.
Default the built-in Jenkins Update Center URL to https://updates.jenkins.io instead of obsolete HTTP endpoint. This requires a JRE compatible with Let's ...
Computes the message authentication code and return it as a string. Mac - hudson.util.LineEndingConversion.EOLType · Mailer_Address_Not_Configured() - Static ...
Optional URL to the Wiki page that discusses this plugin. Fields inherited from class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Entry · name, sourceId, url, version. Constructor ...
Writes files in 'this' directory to a tar stream. TAR - Static variable in class hudson.util.io.ArchiverFactory. Uncompressed tar format. TAR_COMPRESSION ...
Package hudson.model. Class UpdateSite.Data. java.lang.Object. hudson.model.UpdateSite.Data. Enclosing class: UpdateSite. public final class UpdateSite.Data ...
Controls update center capability. The main job of this class is to keep track of the latest update center metadata file, and perform installations.