Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Hudson . hudson.model.labels. Boolean expression over labels. hudson.node_monitors.
Automatically try to launch an agent when Jenkins is initialized or a new agent computer is created. static String · CHANGELOG_URL · Hudson.CloudList ...
Basic configuration unit in Hudson. Every Item is hosted in an ItemGroup called "parent", and some Item s are ItemGroup s. This form a tree structure ...
Convenient base class for checking the validity of URLs. Futures. Various Future implementations. Graph. A JFreeChart-generated graph that's bound to UI.
Participates in the rendering of HTML pages for all pages of Hudson. PageDecorator(Class<? extends PageDecorator>) - Constructor for class hudson.model.
java.lang.Object. jenkins.install.Messages. @Restricted(value=org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public class Messages extends Object.
Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Hudson . hudson.scm. Hudson's interface with source code management systems. hudson.search.
Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Hudson . hudson.model.queue. hudson.slaves. Code related to agents.
Uses the given scanner on 'this' directory to list up files and then archive it to a tar stream. TAR - Static variable in class hudson.util.io.ArchiverFactory.
Hudson's interface with source code management systems. hudson.search. QuickSilver-like search/jump capability for better navigation around the website. hudson.