Continuous Integration (CI) with automated test execution and trend analysis has revolutionized the way companies approach build management, release ...
Here are some things to consider when choosing a strategy for scaling your organization's Jenkins instances: Do you have the resources to run a distributed ...
Kubernetes manages loads well, and it'll make sure your Jenkins agents spin up in the best available server, which makes your builds faster and more efficient.
site:jenkins.io /search site:jenkins.io ci continuous integration high availability performance scalability from www.jenkins.io
Oct 26, 2021 · Use just enough Pipeline to automate build, test, deploy, and administration tasks. Guidance on common Pipeline mistakes that affect ...
site:jenkins.io /search site:jenkins.io ci continuous integration high availability performance scalability from www.jenkins.io
Context Jenkins is an open-source CI/CD solution that is extensible with a wide range of plugins that can be installed using the Jenkins plugin distribution ...
Windows services: Integrate various stability and performance fixes in Windows Service Wrapper from 1.18 to 2.0.2. There are many fixes around configuration ...