android-apk-size-watcher/, 2024-05-01 11:32, -. [DIR] ... ios-device-connector/, 2024-05-01 11:32, -. [DIR] ... search-all-results-plugin/, 2024-05-01 11:32 ...
This is a speaker blogpost for a DevOps World 2022 talk in Orlando, Florida Come join me at DevOps World 2022 for "Naively Building Android Apps with Jenkins.
A remote code execution vulnerability has been identified in the Spring Framework. This vulnerability is identified as CVE-2022-22965. Spring officially reacted ...
Introduction The Jenkins project is committed to delivering a world-class platform experience for end users and developers alike. At the core of this experience ...
Download. Search K. The Jenkins Blog. All, aarch64, administration, advocacy-and-outreach, agent, agents, alexa, alpha-release, android ... cloud, cloud-native ...
GitHub Checks API Plugin Project - Coding Phase 3. This blog post is about our phase 3 progress on GitHub Checks API Project, you can find our previous blog ...
You can access it from the official Jenkins website or from the Jenkins update center. Check the Jenkins download page to download the latest weekly version...
Jenkins X uses Capabilities identified by the "Accelerate: The Science Behind Devops" Jenkins X is a reimagined CI/CD implementation for the Cloud which is ...
Back of the Napkin Guide to Updating Jenkins, for the uninitiated . Prologue Here's a brief account of my journey to update my Jenkins Servers.
Tekton pipelines have a number of benefits: they are cloud native and designed from the ground up for kubernetes each Tekton Pipeline is fully declarative and ...