Jul 27, 2022 · Git Plugin provides a webhook endpoint at /git/notifyCommit that can be used to notify Jenkins of changes to an SCM repository.
withCredentials : Bind credentials to variables. Allows various kinds of credentials (secrets) to be used in idiosyncratic ways. (Some steps explicitly ask for ...
In this post I'll show how the new AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider plugin allows you to marshal your secrets into one place, and use them securely from ...
For instructions on generating your API credentials, search for "Credentials" in the Veracode Documentation. vkey : String (optional). Enter your Veracode ...
Sep 24, 2023 · Enables to define external Jenkinsfile from another repository for Multibranch Pipeline Projects.
Jan 19, 2023 · So I'm using the jenkins operator in minikube to deploy an instance of jenkins. I followed the example provided on the operator web site.
Missing: /search | Show results with:/search
Dec 14, 2019 · This post will describe some common problems I've had with Jenkins and how I solved them by developing Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin.
In this example, username and password credentials are assigned to environment variables to access a Bitbucket repository in a common account or team for your ...
Mar 27, 2024 · Jenkins plugin to populate environment variables from secrets stored in HashiCorp's Vault.
Installs a dummy security realm with no actual security. Useless in a production server; only useful for evaluating the Jenkins UI elements related to user ...