Oracle Cloud Infrastructure DevOps. Used by 0.049% of instances. Released: 3 years ago. Cloud Providers · DevOps. This plugin uploads artifacts to OCI artifact ...
Sep 14, 2022 · Here are some AWS cloud-specific steps to implement in order to ensure the Build Server is setup in resilient way. Build server installations ...
iOS Development .NET Development; Android Development ... Integrates with Bitbucket Cloud (rest api version > ... Kubernetes :: Pipeline :: DevOps Steps. Used by ...
Hetzner Cloud · Lockable Resources · Pipeline: Basic Steps · Dark Theme · JiraTestResultReporter · Pipeline Graph View · Extended Choice Parameter · Analysis ...
Tekton is a powerful and flexible open-source framework for creating CI/CD systems, allowing developers to build, test, and deploy across cloud providers and on ...
Nov 9, 2020 · IBM® Cloud DevOps aggregates and provides visualizations of the indications of a continuous delivery project's health.
... Pipeline job using the JFrog Plugin. ... io's cloud-based iOS Simulators & Android Emulators. ... Oversecured. Used by 0.0021% of instances. Released: 2 years ago.
Pipeline Steps Reference · acmAdvancePipeline : Adobe Cloud Manager Advance Pipeline · acmPipelineEnd : Adobe Cloud Manager Pipeline End · acmPipelineStepState : ...
This plugin provides a create and delete Google Cloud Platform resources using Google Cloud Deployment Manager from within Jenkins jobs. Mohsen Vakilian. Health ...
Generate a tag cloud of commonly used words from the project source code. Health Score? 61%.