... threshold of time there (In demand delay). After ... Specify the JQL search on Jira instance. For a ... A project key is the all capitals part before the issue ...
JENKINS-7767 - Performance report JMeter not possible to set threshold >0% but <1% (#5) @stefan-00; Graphs on performance reports (#4) @JFreakDK; JMeter ...
You can find the project path in the project SSH or HTTP path. ... If project is Multibranch Pipeline or in folder ... threshold : String (optional). $class ...
Dec 3, 2021 · You can use the THRESH subkeyword in an APPCHECK expression to specify the time unit to use for the threshold value in a checkpoint frequency ...
JENKINS-40429Copy artifacts from multi-branch pipeline project with project ... JENKINS-71756The Helix QAC plugin's Messages within threshold option not work as ...
added a monitoring script to display stats of builds and build steps having a mean time greater than the severe threshold. See the script. fix #638: When using ...
Aug 17, 2018 · Parallel pipeline support. Reports combining. REST API. Failed conditions and flexible threshold setting. Other small features. Modernized ...
Nov 12, 2023 · If the repository size is greater than the JGit repository size threshold or the job requires git features that are not implemented in JGit, ...
Publish UNIT reports publishUNIT(String installation) { unstableThreshold(double threshold = 0) failedThreshold(double threshold = 0) // Archive options... } // ...
* Fix JENKINS-13589 - Calculation errors of threshold crossing. Release 1.7 (April 22, 2012). * Fix JENKINS-12364 - Cannot drill down to source code with ...