In this post I'll show how the new AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider plugin allows you to marshal your secrets into one place, and use them securely from ...
This plugin collects and reports unit test results to view26. It supports any testing frameworks which are capable of generating JUnit XML format test reports.
Mar 22, 2024 · This plugin allows transitioning smoothly from the legacy Maven Integration job type by allowing to reuse Maven Settings Support and by ...
Missing: Cloud cloud
This plugin allows to define external resources (such as printers, phones, computers) that can be locked by builds. If a build requires an external resource ...
Easily reuse Tekton and Jenkins X from Jenkins ... What is Tekton? Tekton is a powerful and flexible open-source framework for creating CI/CD systems, allowing ...
The plugin provides a free, easy, secure, and reliable way to connect build and deployment information from your Jenkins server to your Jira Software Cloud site ...
Takes static credentials and generates access tokens. AccessTokenGenerator() - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.utils.AccessTokenGenerator ...
Mar 24, 2023 · Yes, I replicated the issue in a fresh copy of Jenkins 2.387.1 as described in the git repository stored in the JENKINS-70862.git-bundle . You ...
If you're using the Launch agent via execution of command on the master launch method for agents, or cloud provider plugins, make sure to manually install the ...
Sep 7, 2021 · JENKINS-54254 OPEN Can't use credentials provided by "Folder Credentials" provider; JENKINS-54253 CLOSED fix SSC (Fortify) integration ...