site:jenkins.io /search Credentials provider devops performance azure from www.jenkins.io
Introducing the Azure Key Vault Credentials Provider for Jenkins. Azure Key Vault is a product for securely managing keys, secrets and certificates.
This plug-in can independently execute a Dependency-Check analysis and visualize results. Dependency-Check is a utility that identifies project dependencies ...
Jul 25, 2019 · Credentials used to authenticate with Azure storage. If you do not have an existing Azure storage credential in you Jenkins credential store ...
This plugin allows tracking performance KPIs, based on results read from popular testing tools ( Apache JMeter, JUnit, Taurus).
Integrates azureServicePrincipal and azureManagedIdentity credential types from the azure-credentials-plugin with the k8s credential provider. Tue. Health ...
Alauda DevOps Credentials Provider. Used by 0.013% of instances. Released: 4 years ago. This plugin has no labels. This plugin will provide a credentials store ...
alauda-devops-credentials-provider · alauda-devops ... azure-credentials-ext · azure-dev-spaces · azure ... search-all-results-plugin · secondary-timestamper-plugin ...
... devops-sync","9" "arestocats","9" "cachet-gating ... performance-benchmarking-by-broadcom","10 ... azure-slave-plugin","32" "ca-apm","32" "cloudbees-disk ...
This plugin manage Azure PublisherSettings using Jenkins Crendentials API. The Jenkins Azure Publisher Settings Plugin is deprecated with the deprecation of ...
... azure-credentials-ext","1" "beagle-security","1 ... devops-sync","19" "bigpanda-jenkins","19 ... provider","47" "catalogic-ecx","47" "extension-filter","47 ...