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This book looks at the basics of computer search and research.
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Explains the steps to take when buying a personal computer, getting started, basic troubleshooting and problem-solving techniques, and how to improve performance.
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This jargon-free guide explains Vista's features clearly and thoroughly, revealing which work well and which don't. It's the book that should have been in the box!
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This guide to creating rapidly searchable computer documents is based on this argument: search time, more than any other variable, must dictate how manuals and on-line helpsystems get conceptualized, organized, and produced.
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This book shows how a new generation of Windows software lets you access the full power of the Internet using easy-to-use techniques you already know from other Windows programs.
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Unfortunately, for a vast number of PC users, scenarios like these are all too common. These situations are not only extremely frustrating for the user, but also tend to discourage them from ever wanting to touch a PC again! Why is that?
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My Google Chromebook brings together all the expert advice and easy, step-by-step know-how you’ll need to make the most of your new Google Chromebook —in no time!
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DVD, RAM, BIOS, GIF, CD-RW, USB, MIDI - explained in plain English Your one-stop guide to PCs - now better than ever Thoroughly updated with new material on Windows XP,CD-R/CD-RW drives, DVDs, digital imaging, viruses, and more, this ...
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Disk contains: a file of Netscape Bookmarks and a folder of Internet Explorer favorites to accompany chap. 8.
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This book shows you how to go straight to the good stuff, and turn the Internet into a tool you can use.