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Search K. > User Documentation Home. User Handbook ... Exclusion uses Pattern matching . ... If 'Include in changelog' is disabled, then when a build occurs, the ...
If this method returns true and polling is configured, then that would usually trigger a new build. This flag also affects the mutual exclusion control between ...
This can be used to exclude commits done by the build itself from triggering another build, assuming the build server commits the change with a distinct SCM ...
resolveScm : Resolves an SCM from an SCM Source and a list of candidate target branch names ... See Gerrit search operators documentation for a detailed list of ...
It can poll, fetch, checkout, and merge contents of git repositories. The git plugin provides an SCM implementation to be used with the Pipeline SCM checkout ...
Specify the root URL of the SCM-Manager instance including the context path (such as https://scm-manager.org/scm/) or an ssh URL (such as ssh://scm-manager.com: ...
Your smart views can automatically include or exclude jobs by using things like the SCM path or type, the job type, build statuses or trends or triggers, ...
Whether to include any changes in the library in the recent changes of jobs using the library. Defaults to including the changes. retriever (optional). Nested ...
Allows to use Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Server as sources for multi-branch projects. It also provides the required connectors for Bitbucket Cloud Team and ...
Jun 16, 2016 · In this blog post, I'll show you how to speed up your pipeline by using the Parallel Test Executor Plugin.