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Write Groovy scripts for Jenkins with Code completion - The gist of this is to create a Maven project within your IDE and to depend on org.jenkins-ci.main: ...
The following examples are sourced from the the pipeline-examples repository on GitHub and contributed to by various members of the Jenkins project.
This step pauses Pipeline execution and allows the user to interact and control the flow of the build. Only a basic "proceed" or "abort" option is provided ...
As discussed in the Defining a Pipeline in SCM, a Jenkinsfile is a text file that contains the definition of a Jenkins Pipeline and is checked into source ...
Maven Integration Plugin has a feature that allows browsing generated Maven documentation sites (e.g. site:site ) in Jenkins. When using this feature, it may be ...
Splunk plugin for Jenkins provides deep insights into your Jenkins controller and agent infrastructure, job and build details such as console logs, status, ...
This plugin provides a deep integration between Jenkins and Maven. ... Create or update a text file easily. Save it with ... Console.exe' command line tool to ...
Mar 2, 2022 · I have a problem. In Jenkins, I run automatic tests using Postman. When the build is done, an e-mail notification is sent with an attachment ...
... console log and information about which source ... This field allows you to provide whatever text ... See Gerrit search operators documentation for a detailed list ...
Execute all the steps defined in this Pipeline within a newly created container of the given name and tag ( maven:3.9.3-eclipse-temurin-17 ). Example 2. Stage- ...