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Configures maven environment to use within a pipeline job by calling sh mvn or bat mvn . The selected maven installation will be configured and prepended to the ...
Feb 19, 2023 · I upgraded Jenkins (Linux) 2.356 (JDK 1.8) to version 2.363 (JDK 11), controller is running fine I was able to login to the console.
Oct 5, 2011 · Setup project structure. Jenkins uses Maven for both the core and all plugins. Custom plugins are used to generate code and configuration and ...
Dec 15, 2023 · We have a freestyle job that is configured to use JDK installed from Global tools configuration for JDK. When the job runs it seems to ...
This article is a walk-through guide on how to setup IntelliJ IDEA to develop and debug Jenkins core. ... Ensure that this configuration is the same as above.
The current official plugin workflow-cps-global-lib does provide a way to retrieve shared libraries through a SCM, such as Git. The goal of this plugin is ...
Search is performed in the order of the brackets at the line start. The ... Using Configuration As Code to setup benchmarks · Maven profile that runs benchmarks.
Use the standalone double-dash -- to pass arguments to the build tool invoked by the Snyk CLI. For example: -- -Pprofile -Dkey=value for Maven projects. -- -- ...
First, make sure your plugin uses a reasonably up to date parent POM. This will prevent the vast majority of problems in releasing the plugin, such as outdated ...
Jan 18, 2024 · Plugin for creating JIRA issues directly from Jenkins and linking them to JUnit tests.