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If you want the search box to be case insensitive, go to your profile configuration page (/jenkins/user/<your profile>/configure) and activate the case ...
Jul 15, 2019 · This plugin detects changes of pipelines and provides the user an option to view changes between two builds (diffs) of pipeline configurations ...
Nov 2, 2022 · This solution looks good, but is there any way without making changes in job configuration we can get status of jobs. I have pre-existing jobs ...
Apr 25, 2018 · Config. The first part of the config.yml file specifies some basic configuration: project's name and Dockerfile location. The Dockerfile is used ...
In a multi-branch pipeline configuration, Jenkins automatically discovers, manages, and executes jobs for multiple source repositories and branches. This ...
The Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCasC) feature defines Jenkins configuration parameters in a human-readable YAML file that can be stored as source code.
Jenkins Pipeline includes built-in documentation and the Snippet Generator which are key resources when developing Pipelines. They provide detailed help and ...
Oct 7, 2021 · I would like to configure Jenkins to prioritize the search ... It might be possible with a new pipeline job that is started by the orginal regexpr ...
This section builds on the information introduced in Getting started with Pipeline and should be treated solely as a reference. For more information on how ...
Jul 18, 2016 · Rather than sitting and watching Jenkins for job status, I want Jenkins to send notifications when events occur. There are Jenkins plugins for ...