Nov 28, 2023 · Hi all, This is my pipeline pipeline { agent { kubernetes { yamlFile 'Jenkins-agent-pod.yaml' } } environment { DOCKERFILE_PATH ...
Aug 30, 2023 · Allows you to configure kubectl to interact with Kubernetes clusters from within your jobs. Any tool built on top of kubectl can then be ...
Jenkins plugin to run dynamic agents in a Kubernetes cluster. Based on the Scaling Docker with Kubernetes article, automates the scaling of Jenkins agents ...
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Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. A Kubernetes cluster adds a new ...
withKubeCredentials : Configure Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) with multiple credentials. kubectlCredentials (optional). Array / List of Nested Object
This plugin provides vulnerability scanning of container images for OS packages and language vulnerabilities using the StackRox Kubernetes Security Platform.
Selects a container of the agent pod so that all shell steps are executed in that container. ... Specifies a shell which will run inside the container and process ...
You can get the Kubernetes controller URL by this specified command: kubectl cluster-info Kubernetes control plane is running at ...
This plugin allows Jenkins to deploy build artifacts to a Kubernetes cluster running on GKE. Craig Barber · Evan Brown. (9 other contributors). Health Score?
A Jenkins plugin to deploy resource configurations to a Kubernetes cluster. It provides the following features: Fetch the cluster credentials from the ...
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