Tekton is a powerful and flexible open-source framework for creating CI/CD systems, allowing developers to build, test, and deploy across cloud providers and on ...
Existing properties set through the Jenkins UI for non-multibranch Pipelines will be preserved. properties. Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
Jesse and I will walk through the source code of the workflow plugin, highlights key abstractions and extension points, and discuss how they are put together.
Changes since 2.440: Important security fixes. (security advisory); Fix missing folder icons. (issue 72407); Update the bundled Matrix Project Plugin from 818 ...
Sep 7, 2021 · JENKINS-54665 OPEN Allow vSphere credentials overridable from job config page. JENKINS-54662 IN PROGRESS hudson.model.UsageStatistics not ...
Takes static credentials and generates access tokens. AccessTokenGenerator() - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.utils.AccessTokenGenerator ...
... credentials","optional":false,"version":"1.3 ... matrix-project","optional":false,"version":"1.2.1 ... cloud-based iOS Simulators & Android Emulators.","gav ...
Fix a race condition that causes file descriptor leaks when cloud agents are created. ... Pipeline or Matrix jobs, on the built-in node. ... Mac conventions. (pull ...
Engine#waitForServerToBack now uses credentials for connection. (issue 31256); IllegalStateException under certain conditions when reloading configuration ...