In this post I'll show how the new AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider plugin allows you to marshal your secrets into one place, and use them securely from ...
Adds an axis for matrix builds to run over an arbitrary number of EC2 instances, which will be dinamically allocated or reused if possible. Requires the EC2 ...
Takes static credentials and generates access tokens. AccessTokenGenerator() - Constructor for class org.jenkinsci.test.acceptance.utils.AccessTokenGenerator ...
Easily reuse Tekton and Jenkins X from Jenkins ... What is Tekton? Tekton is a powerful and flexible open-source framework for creating CI/CD systems, allowing ...
Mar 24, 2023 · Hi everyone,. I'm opening this issue because I have the same problem described in this issue: ...
Changes since 2.440: Important security fixes. (security advisory); Fix missing folder icons. (issue 72407); Update the bundled Matrix Project Plugin from 818 ...
... credentials","optional":false,"version":"1.3 ... matrix-project","optional":false,"version":"1.2.1 ... junit","optional":false,"version":"1.8"},{"name ...
Sep 7, 2021 · JENKINS-54665 OPEN Allow vSphere credentials overridable from job config page. JENKINS-54662 IN PROGRESS hudson.model.UsageStatistics not ...
What's new in 1.381 (2010/10/16). Fixed a race condition. Fixed issue with LabelAxis longer than 30 characters causing failures when saving matrix job ...
Engine#waitForServerToBack now uses credentials for connection. (issue 31256); IllegalStateException under certain conditions when reloading configuration ...