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In this article, I would like to announce the new Windows support policy which was introduced in the Jenkins project in June 2020. This policy sets an ...
It's 2022, and the Jenkins project is approaching 18 years old, boasts over 1,800 plugins and over 1 million users around the world, and is widely considered ...
In this article, I would like to share some highlights from the User Interface track of the Jenkins UI/UX Hackfest we held on May 25..29. This blog post has ...
Introducing the Azure Key Vault Credentials Provider for Jenkins. Azure Key Vault is a product for securely managing keys, secrets and certificates.
Take the 2016 Jenkins Survey! This is a guest post by Brian Dawson on behalf of CloudBees, where he works as a DevOps Evangelist responsible for developing ...
2023 Award categories and nominees This year we have three awards, each with several nominees: Most Valuable Jenkins Advocate: Alexander Brandes Alex Earl Bruno ...
This feature allows restricting configuration UIs and APIs while providing access to essential Jenkins system configuration, diagnostics, and self-monitoring ...
A remote code execution vulnerability has been identified in the Spring Framework. This vulnerability is identified as CVE-2022-22965. Spring officially reacted ...
Back of the Napkin Guide to Updating Jenkins, for the uninitiated . Prologue Here's a brief account of my journey to update my Jenkins Servers.
A beautiful Jenkins dashboard. This is a guest post by Julian Kleinhans, Software Architect at AOE, who is outlining some of the Jenkins dashboard work he's ...