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Should you ever need to rebuild a Jenkins MSI on your Windows machine, here is a way to do it. Pre-requisites Jenkins WAR file First, you should download the ...
You can identify whether Log4j is included with any plugin by running the following Groovy script in the Script Console: org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.
Background Jenkins custom resources on a Kubernetes cluster are deployed using declarative YAML configuration files; hence some of the plugins declared in these ...
It's 2022, and the Jenkins project is approaching 18 years old, boasts over 1,800 plugins and over 1 million users around the world, and is widely considered ...
Dec 3, 2021 · The following values are allowed: Comma separated list of analysis IDs. Then only the given analysis items will be executed.
Welcome to Continuous Blog! Hello and welcome to "Continuous Blog", the official Hudson weblog! If you don't mind me saying so, I think its arrival is long ...
Back of the Napkin Guide to Updating Jenkins, for the uninitiated . Prologue Here's a brief account of my journey to update my Jenkins Servers.
The Jenkins Blog · Automated Software Maintenance · Security updates for multiple Jenkins plugins · Continuous Integration for C/C++ Projects with Jenkins and ...
Introduction The Jenkins project is committed to delivering a world-class platform experience for end users and developers alike. At the core of this experience ...
Accelerate with Jenkins X. Jenkins X uses Capabilities identified by the "Accelerate: The Science Behind Devops" Jenkins X is a reimagined CI/CD ...