Access control, which ensures users are authenticated when accessing Jenkins and their activities are authorized. Protecting Jenkins against external threats ...
Search K. > User Documentation Home. User Handbook. User ... Access Control is the primary mechanism for securing a Jenkins environment against unauthorized usage ...
Every page in Jenkins has a search box on its top right that lets you get to your destination quickly, without multiple clicks. ... For example, if you type "foo ...
This chapter will introduce the various security options available to Jenkins administrators and users, explaining the protections offered, and trade-offs to ...
When using organization folders or multibranch Pipelines, Jenkins automatically builds new pull requests by default. Especially when a Jenkins instance builds ...
Security advisories are the primary way to publicly inform Jenkins users about security issues in Jenkins and Jenkins plugins. You can find all past security ...
The Jenkins security team created a custom code scanner based on GitHub's CodeQL. It is capable of finding vulnerabilities common in Jenkins plugins. This page ...
Jenkins has a security mechanism in place so that the administrator of Jenkins can control who gets access to what part of Jenkins. The key components of this ...
The permission Agent/Build requires access control for builds to be set up, as the build's authentication is checked, and not the user starting the build.
This section describes procedures for configuring credentials in Jenkins. Credentials can be added to Jenkins by any Jenkins user who has the Credentials > ...