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This extension point has no Javadoc documentation. Implementations: OctoPerf Load Testing Plugin: org.jenkinsci.plugins.octoperf.conditions.StopOnAlert (view on ...
Automate dependency updates. Contents. Create a branch; Create a pull request. This site is the new docs site currently being tested.
This tutorial serves as a starting point for Jenkins plugin development: It explains how to prepare your build environment, how to create a plugin, and how to ...
Syntax error checks on JEXL expressions. "Go to stapler view" to jump from a Java class to its views (Cmd+Shift+P). Select a string expression, then ...
With incrementals, we can create incremental versions of Jenkins core or an upstream plugin on which the under development downstream plugin can depend upon. It ...
This allows object state, whether from core or plugins, to be persisted relatively easily, but one must pay attention to what is serialized and take measures to ...
Writing CLI commands. Contents. Annotating a method with CLIMethod; Extending CLICommand. This site is the new docs site currently being tested.
A way of binding a kind of credentials to an environment variable during a build. Implementations: 42Crunch REST API Static Security Testing Plugin: com.xliic.
An extension to provide additional details for a given jenkinsdoc:BuildStep] . Subclasses will need to overwrite jenkinsdoc:=getDetails(BuildStep)] for the ...
Blue Ocean is a single-page application which has different aspects of the application contributed by purpose-specific plugins, such as the Dashboard for Blue ...