Dec 3, 2021 · Name of the file with your own configuration in json format. Specify an absolute path or a relative to workspace. format : String. aribot.
writeJSON : Write JSON to a file in the workspace. writeMavenPom : Write a maven project file. writeYaml : Write a yaml from an object or objects. zip : ...
readJSON : Read JSON from files in the workspace. readManifest : Read a Jar Manifest; readMavenPom : Read a maven project file. readProperties : Read properties ...
... steps built into Pipeline as well as steps provided by plugins. ... json. Copied! Refer to the following example for ... pipeline { agent any stages { stage(' ...
Artifactory Cloud - https://tenant.jfrog.io/artifactory/ ... For a build, Jenkins will run this query ... The tests property value is a JSON array that contains a ...
Read the full documentation here. node { git url: 'https ... build causes as JSON that is available inside of the Pipeline Sandbox. // ... build steps to be ...
Performs an HTTP request, and returns a response object. Usage example: def response = httpRequest 'http://localhost:8080/jenkins/api/json?pretty=true' ...
... step. The argument is a relative pathname, akin to Java resource loading: def request = libraryResource 'com/mycorp/pipeline/somelib/request.json'. groovy.
Jenkins provides machine-consumable remote access API to its functionalities. Currently it comes in three flavors: XML. JSON with JSONP support. Python. Remote ...
Target file path to create or update with json data. fileRenameOperation; fileRenameOperation. source : String. File to be renamed. destination : String.