Jul 26, 2023 · If the file is in the workspace directory, or a subfolder within it, then the post-build action is doing exactly what I want. However, the file ...
Mar 8, 2023 · Specifically, I want to learn more about how Jenkins determines if the “fixed” post-action should be invoked. I've dug through many of the ...
jiraSearch : Jira: Search issues ... Performs a Jira workflow action for every issue that matches the JQL query. ... password or a Bitbucket Server personal access ...
This plugin allows to create or update a Kanboard task as a post-build action, to trigger a build when a task is created or moved, and to fetch a task and ...
By default, each static analysis result will be recorded as a separate result that is presented as an individual Jenkins Action with separate UI and dashboard.
The Job Poll Action Plugin provides an easy mechanism to force a job to poll for SCM changes. Health Score? 66%. Iv ...
Feb 15, 2023 · 4. Customize log files at job level (optional) · Add a "post-build action" called "Send data to Splunk" · Enter an ant-style pattern matching ...
Action. b, Build now. g-c, Go to Changes. g-C, Go to Configure Job. g-m, Go to Modules. g-p, Permalink Selector. g-P, Go to SCM Polling. g-s, Go to Status. g-t ...
This plugin is used to search for strings in workspace files. The outcome of this search allows aconditional action. Health Score?